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– Unplug electrical connector -2- at vehicle level sender.
– Detach coupling rod -1- at track control link.
– Repeat procedure on other side of vehicle.
To prevent damage to the refrigerant lines, ensure that the pipes
and hoses are not stretched, kinked or bent.
– Remove bolts -1- and -2-.
– Detach refrigerant lines from AC compressor.
– Seal off open pipes/lines and connections with clean plugs
from engine bung set - VAS 6122- .
– Remove bolts -arrows- at bracket for air conditioner reservoir.
The air conditioner reservoir remains installed.
Lay a cloth under the separating point to catch escaping hydraulic
– Disconnect hydraulic hose -arrow- at power steering fluid res‐
– Seal off open pipes/lines and connections with clean plugs
from engine bung set - VAS 6122- .
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
1. Removing engine