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Installation position of rear clamps
– Fit clamps so that ends of bolts do not protrude beyond bottom
of clamp.
• Bolt connections face one another.
Separating centre and rear silencers
♦ The connecting pipe can be cut through at the cutting point in
order to renew the centre and rear silencers separately.
♦ The cutting point is marked by an indentation on the circum‐
ference of the exhaust pipe.
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Chain pipe cutter - VAS 6254-
– Cut through exhaust pipes at a right angle at cutting points
-arrows- using chain pipe cutter - VAS 6254- .
– Position clamps -arrows- centrally over cutting points.
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
1. Exhaust system