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• Oil level OK
• Engine oil temperature approx. 80 °C
– Remove oil pressure switch - F1-
– Connect oil pressure tester - V.A.G 1342- with adapter - V.A.G
1342/14- to hole for oil pressure switch.
– Screw oil pressure switch -2- into oil pressure tester - V.A.G
1342- .
– Connect brown wire of oil pressure tester to earth (“–”).
Checking oil pressure switch
– Connect voltage tester - V.A.G 1527B- with test leads from
auxiliary measuring set - V.A.G 1594C- to oil pressure switch
and battery positive (“+”).
• LED should not light up.
If the LED lights up:
– Renew oil pressure switch.
– Start engine.
Observe tester and LED while starting, as switching point of oil
pressure switch may already be exceeded when starting.
• LED should light up at 1.2 ... 1.6 bar.
If LED does not light up:
– Renew oil pressure switch.
Checking oil pressure
– Start engine.
• Minimum oil pressure at idling speed: 1.5 bar.
• Minimum oil pressure at 2000 rpm: 3.5 bar.
– Install oil pressure switch - F1-
Engine oil
Refer to ⇒ Maintenance tables for engine oil capacity, oil speci‐
fications and viscosity grades.
Checking oil level
Check oil level ⇒ Maintenance ; Booklet 404 .
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
1. Lubrication system