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– Have a 2nd mechanic press the brake pedal.
When slackening the flange bolt securing the drive shaft, the
wheel bearing must not be under load (vehicle must not be
standing on its wheels).
– Unscrew flange bolt -2- from drive shaft -1- (left and right).
– Unscrew bolts (left and right) -arrows- evenly.
– Take out anti-roll bar.
– Fit eye-head bolt - 3368- from below in bore on suspension
turret on both sides.
– Secure eye-head bolts - 3368- with nut -2- and washer -1-
(screw down nut several turns but not all the way down).
– Tie up wheel bearing housing on each side using tensioning
strap - T10038- as illustrated.
To prevent damage to the joints on the upper links, the weight
of the wheel bearing housings must be supported before slack‐
ening the bottom securing bolts for the suspension struts.
– Unbolt air spring strut from track control link -arrow-.
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
Rep. gr.10 - Removing and installing engine