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In the following procedure the camshaft timing chains remain on
the engine.
– Remove cylinder head cover: left-side
, right-side
– Remove timing chain covers (left and right)
– Insert guide pin of adapter -T40058- as follows:
• The smaller-diameter section -arrow 1- faces the engine.
• The larger-diameter section -arrow 2- faces the adapter.
– Using adapter - T40058- turn the crankshaft in the normal di‐
rection of rotation -arrow- to “TDC”.
• The threaded holes -arrows- in the camshafts must face up‐
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
Rep. gr.15 - Cylinder head, valve gear