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10 – Removing and installing engine
Removing engine
The engine is removed from underneath together with the
gearbox and subframe (with lock carrier installed).
Collect drained coolant in a clean container for re-use or dis‐
Fit all heat shields and heat insulation sleeves in the original
positions when installing.
All cable ties which are released or cut open when removing
must be fitted in the same position when installing.
Special tools and workshop
equipment required
♦ Removal lever - 80 - 200-
♦ Eye-head bolt - 3368-
♦ Used oil collection and ex‐
traction unit - V.A.G 1782-
♦ Spark plug connector pliers
- V.A.G 1922-
♦ Hose clip pliers - VAS
♦ Hose clip pliers - VAS
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
Rep. gr.10 - Removing and installing engine