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Auxiliary radiator - tightening torques
– Tighten bolts -3, 4, 5- to 9 Nm.
Air duct for auxiliary radiator - tightening torque
Connecting coolant hose with plug-in connector
– Remove old O-ring -2- from coolant hose -3-.
– Lubricate new O-ring with coolant additive and fit O-ring in
coolant hose.
– Press coolant hose onto connection -1- until it engages audi‐
– Press coolant hose in again and then pull to check that plug-
in connector is correctly engaged.
Removing and installing radiator
If there are slight impressions on the fins, refer to
– Vehicles with auxiliary heater: remove bolts -arrows- securing
exhaust pipe for auxiliary/additional heater to noise insulation.
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
Rep. gr.19 - Cooling