AT91FR40162S Preliminary
Send the next byte
(write byte to US_THR)
Each of these steps can be scheduled by using the interrupt if the bit TXRDY in US_IMR is set.
For character transmission, the USART channel must be enabled before sending a break.
Receive Break
The receiver detects a break condition when all data, parity and stop bits are low. When the low
stop bit is detected, the receiver asserts the RXBRK bit in US_CSR. An end of receive break is
detected by a high level for at least 2/16 of a bit period in Asynchronous Mode or at least one
sample in Synchronous Mode. RXBRK is also asserted when an end of break is detected.
Both the beginning and the end of a break can be detected by interrupt if the bit
US_IMR.RXBRK is set.