The Timeline View
Copyright © 2010-2012 ARM. All rights reserved.
Snippet menu buttons
The Snippet menu contains the following buttons:
Add Blank Chart
Adds a new chart, unpopulated chart to the Timeline view. Use the Chart
Configuration panel to add data and customize the new chart.
Reset Snippets
Resets all snippets to their factory default values. This action is not reversible.
Import a snippet configuration
Use the import dialog to find a
on your file system to import. This
option also imports templates you created using the chart configuration view in
Streamline version 5.10.
Export the snippet configuration to a file
Creates a
file in the location defined in the Export dialog box. This
option is useful if you want to carry over your saved snippets to another Eclipse
Snippet contextual menu options
The following options are available if you right-click on a snippet in the Snippets menu:
Rename Snippet
Choose this option and the snippet title changes to a field that enables you to
rename the snippet.
Delete snippet
Removes the snippet from the Snippet menu.
The following options are available if you right-click on a category:
Delete Category
This option enables you to change the name of the selected category. The category
name changes to a field that enables you to rename the snippet category.
Delete Category
This option only works if the category has no subordinate snippets. If the category
is empty and you select this contextual menu option, a dialog box appears, asking
you to confirm the action. Click
to delete the category.