Preparing the system activation
a. Establish BLE connection between App and TMSO.CU
b. Configure WLAN access of the TMSO.CU! (optional)
c. Configure measuring mode and status log
d. Enter sensor information of the TMSO.CU! (optional, only if the central unit is to
function as a control sensor)
e. Set measuring plan! (optional)
f. Transfer all project and configuration information to the TMSO.CU
g. Perform system test
h. If necessary, according to the result of the system test, change the device
positions and repeat the test, not forgetting to update the corresponding device
information in the project!
System activation
Perform measurements
a. Regularly check the wind forecasts and set measurement plans
b. Analysis of the measurement data
Regularly check the system status
a. Battery states of charge
b. Solar Energy Supply
c. Activity during the processing of measurement plans
d. Quality of the radio connections
Deactivation and dismantling of the system
a. Wake up the TMSO.CU and all TMSO.IM with a magnetic pen
b. Establish BLE connection between App and TMSO.CU
c. Disable system
d. Switch off the system
e. Dismantle devices and store them in the TMSO.Case
5.3 Construction Site Monitoring (CSM)
Available via future firmware update.