9.1.3 In the PC Software
The content of the log file in the cloud can be read and displayed directly via the TMS.Software
(see chapter in the TMS.Software manual
). This is also where, via combination with
the data from the configuration file, the assignment of the individual information blocks to the
device serial numbers takes place. This assignment is missing if you view the log file
9.1.4 In the Log File
The log files in the cloud, or the files created when reading the backup from a TMSO.CU, are
written as plain text, so they can be viewed with a normal text editor.
However, it is more convenient to import them into a spreadsheet program such as Excel. For
this purpose the files are formatted as CSV (comma separated value), with a tab as cell
This means that this data can also be processed further if required, e.g. by displaying it in
diagrams for a better overview.
The files begin with a header line with column designations, followed by the individual lines
with measurement data. Each line in turn begins with the UNIX timestamp at which all
subsequent data in that line was recorded.
The columns are grouped in blocks. The first block contains the status information of the
TMSO.CU, all subsequent blocks contain the data of each TMSO.IM of the system in turn: