5 Examples of Project Implementation
This chapter shows, by means of simple examples, the rough sequence of steps in the
implementation of tree monitoring projects.
In the context of this operating manual, this serves as an introduction to the following chapters,
which explain the individual work steps in detail.
It can also be used in the field as a memory aid and quick start guide.
For each measuring mode a project example is listed.
5.1 Generally Valid Steps
Site visit
a. Familiarize yourself with the circumstances!
b. Perform visual inspections of the trees!
c. Select the trees to be monitored!
Selection of the measuring mode based on the job
Recording of the ambient conditions
a. What are the dimensions of the area, what are the distances between the trees?
b. What is the access to the trees like? (necessary tools)
c. Are there any obstacles that could affect the radio connection and therefore
have to be taken into account when planning the device positions?
d. Are the trees standing freely or are they shaded from the wind by buildings or
other trees from certain directions?
e. Where is the north-south axis located? What are the expected lighting
conditions on the trees throughout the day? (Solar energy availability)
5.2 Wind reaction measurement (WRM / WRMS)
Planning of the system structure
a. Which trees are to be monitored?
b. How many TMSO.IM are available and how many trees should be monitored?
(How many base sensors are necessary at least?)
c. Which trees can be clustered to save control sensors?
d. On which tree of each cluster is the control sensor most useful?
e. Does the TMSO.CU also has to assume the function of a control sensor?
Planning of the definite device positions
a. Which TMSO.IM is attached to which tree?
b. Which TMSO.IM performs which function (sensor type)?
c. How are the TMSO.IM aligned (radio connection to TMSO.CU and solar power
d. Where is the TMSO.CU installed? (Radio connection to all sensors? Control
sensor function? )
e. Where is the solar cell of the TMSO.CU installed?
Charging the devices
Installation of the TMSO.IM and collection of project data
a. Attach TMSO.IM to the trees at the planned positions
b. Collect/measure the data of the trees and the sensors and enter it into the app
on the mobile phone
Mounting of the TMSO.CU at the planned position
Attaching the solar cell at the planned position
Switching on the devices
a. Switch on all TMSO.IMs using the magnetic pen
b. Switch on the TMSO.CU with the magnetic pen