5. Scan
Scans Slot D and finds the five channels of the CT module (fixed for AQ-X215). If the CTM is
not found, the device issues an alarm.
6. Scan
Scans Slot E, and moves to the next slot if Slot E is empty. If the scan finds an 8DI module, it
reserves the designations "DI4", "DI5", "DI6", "DI7", "DI8", "DI9", "DI10" and "DI11" to this slot. If
Slot C also has an 8DI module (and therefore has already reserved these designations), the
device reserves the designations "DI12", "DI13", "DI14", "DI15", "DI16", "DI17", "DI18" and
"DI19" to this slot. If the scan finds a 5DO module, it reserves the designations "OUT6",
"OUT7", "OUT8", "OUT9" and "OUT10" to this slot. Again, if Slot C also has a 5DO and has
therefore already reserved these designations, the device reserves the designations
"OUT11", "OUT12", "OUT13", "OUT14" and "OUT15" to this slot. If the scan finds the arc
protection module, it reserves the sensor channels ("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4"), the high-speed
outputs ("HSO1", "HSO2"), and the digital input channel ("ArcBI") to this slot.
7. Scan
A similar operation to Scan 6 (checks which designations have been reserved by modules in
previous slots and numbers the new ones accordingly).
Thus far this document has only explained the installation of I/O add-on cards to the option module
slots. This is because all other module types are treated in a same way. For example, when an
additional communication port is installed into the upper port of the communication module, its
designation is Communication port 3 or higher, as Communication ports 1 and 2 already exist in the
CPU module (which is scanned, and thus designated, first). After a communication port is detected, it
is added into the device's communication space and its corresponding settings are enabled.
The fully optioned example case of AQ-X215-XXXXXXX-BCD
BCD (the first image pair, on the right) has a
total of 11 digital input channels available: three (DI1…DI3) in the CPU module, and eight (DI4…DI11)
in Slot C. It also has a total of 10 digital output channels available: five (DO1…DO5) in the CPU
module, and five (DO6…DO10) in Slot E. These same principles apply to all non-standard
configurations in the AQ-X215 IED family.
Instruction manual
Version: 2.04