Introduction to Logic MMC Automation
This introduction provides an overview of Logic MMC automation for users who may have had limited
experience with automation systems in general.
The automation system on the Logic MMC uses Mix/Passes to store timecoded control changes as they are
made on the console surface.
A control change is recorded as an Automation Event and is initially stored in a Record Pass. A control change is
recorded when a suitable Automation Record Mode is selected for a control, the system is in play and the control
is adjusted. When the system is taken out of play, the Record Pass is complete and can be saved (kept) as a
Mix/Pass in the current Mix/Pass Tree.
Mix/Passes are organised in a Mix/Pass Tree. The Mix/Pass Tree stores the structure of dependence between
Mix/Passes - this means that it shows the order in which Mix/Passes were created and the lines of revision used
to create each Mix/Pass.
The Mix/Pass Tree is displayed graphically so that Mix/Pass dependencies are shown clearly.
A new Mix/Pass starts to record when timecode is running at play speed (i.e. the system is in play) and a
recordable control change is made. The new Mix/Pass is called the Record Pass. The Mix/Pass that is playing
back is called the Play Pass.
The Record Pass is a revision of the Play Pass. If the Record Pass is kept to the Mix/Pass Tree then it will become
the Play Pass. The dependence between these two Mix/Passes can be seen by displaying the Mix/Pass Tree.
Introduction to Logic MMC Automation
Issue 4
Page 16:1