Mix/Pass Trees
Mix/Pass Trees
Mix/Passes are organised in a Mix/Pass Tree. The Mix/Pass Tree stores the structure of dependence between
Mix/Passes - this means that it shows the order in which Mix/Passes were created and the lines of revision used
to create each Mix/Pass.
The Mix/Pass Tree is displayed graphically so that Mix/Pass dependencies are shown clearly.
A Mix/Pass Tree always starts with Mix/Pass 1.1.
A Mix/Pass Tree is displayed graphically for selecting a Mix/Pass revision as the Play Pass or editing the Tree.
Each Mix/Pass contains:
An Event List containing an Initial Snapshot (ISS) followed by Automation Events
Automation Modes and Automation Scope as they were when timecode stopped at the end of the
A Label List
A Safety Snapshot
Initial Snapshot
The Initial Snapshot (ISS or Initial SS) is at the beginning of the Event List.
The ISS contains the settings of all controls that can be automated when a New Mix/Pass Tree is created.
The ISS settings are saved in special Automation Events which all have a Timecode of zero. Only ISS events can
have a Timecode of zero. ISS events can not be edited with the Event List functions in Encore.
The ISS is updated when a control is taken out of Isolate for the first time. The ISS takes the control setting either
when the system goes into Play (for controls that are taken out of Isolate before Play) or when a control is taken
out of Isolate if the system is already in Play.
Updating the ISS creates a Record Pass (when the system goes into Play or if it is already in Play). The new ISS
settings are not saved unless the Record Pass is saved.
The primary function of the ISS is to provide an initial setting for any control. This is so that the control has a value
to return to, such as when using Glide or when the system comes out of Play.
Automation Events
A dynamic automation event is a record of a change made to a control.
Each event records:
The path it occurred on
The control that was changed
The timecode (resolved at frame level)
The value of the setting
For instance, if a fader is moved continuously then a change in level will be recorded against every frame of
timecode until the fader is released. This can be seen in the Event List as a series of individual events at each
Mix/Pass Trees
Issue 4
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