To Delete a User click on the required user in the list of Users in the top half of the User Manager window.
Click User in the menu bar to display the User drop down menu and click on Delete.
The User Manager will display a warning message about deleting the user.
Click on OK to confirm deletion, or Cancel to abort.
If it is necessary to change information on a particular user, click the required Username in User Manager and
then click Properties in the User drop down menu. This will display the same screen as for a new user, but with all
the information already filled in. This is especially useful for changing the Password associated with a particular
Username if it has been forgotten.
Logging Out from Administrator
Ensure all applications (including administrative programs) are closed.
There are three methods of logging out.
To display the Logoff Windows NT dialogue box choose Logoff From the File menu in Program Manager, or
with Program Manager as the foreground task, press ALT+F4.
The Logoff Windows NT dialogue box will appear. Click OK.
If Program Manager is minimised click the Program Manager icon. A flyout menu will appear, attached at one
corner to the Program Manager icon. Click on Logoff.
A dialogue box will appear with options for logging off or shutting down.
Click the Log off radio button and then click OK. The Logoff Windows NT dialogue box will appear. Click on
To display the Windows NT Security dialogue box press CTRL+ALT+DEL on the dockable keyboard.
The Windows NT Security dialogue box will appear.
Click on the Logoff button. The system will now close Program Manager and display the Welcome dialogue box
for logging in as a different user.
Appendix A : User Administration
User Administration
Issue 4
Page A:5