Surround Monitor Solo and Cut
The SOLO and CUT keys on the Surround Monitor panel only affect the output to the surround monitors
The LEDs above the keys will illuminate when a key is pressed.
Solo is additive so L and R could be soloed by pressing their SOLO keys in turn.
AFL Solo
This is the default Solo mechanism used by Logic MMC when there are Film paths in the current Desk Setup.
The SOLO keys on the fader strips operate the AFL Solo system. This is a non-destructive solo system that cuts
the connection between stems and the Film paths without affecting the stem routing. This means that if the
Surround Sound panel is sending audio to an armed tape machine then the audio will carry on being recorded,
even though it is not monitored.
AFL Solo operation can be seen in the following example, which shows how a Channel routed to an LCRS stem
is affected by AFL Solo.
To use AFL solo press the SOLO key on the required fader strip(s). The panned signal from the selected path will
now be routed to the Film Listen paths and then to the Film paths to output to the monitor speakers. The
connection between the Stems and the Film paths is cut while AFL Solo is active.
The signal will appear on the speakers according to how it is panned. This should match the routing through
any Stems, assuming that the Tracks in the Stems are routed to the correct speakers according to their pan
All the surround monitoring capabilities in the Surround Monitoring panel can be used to test the Solo signal
(e.g. Lt-Rt).
Any number of SOLO keys can be pressed, and the ACCESS keys can be used to bring other paths to the surface
for solo. The LED in the SOLO CLR key on the CONTROL ROOM section will flash red.
To cancel solo press the SOLO keys to turn them off or press SOLO CLEAR on the CONTROL ROOM section.
The integral LED in the SOLO CLR key will stop flashing.
Surround Sound Panel
Surround Monitoring
Issue 4
Page 9:9
Channel 1
Track 1 (L)
Track 2 (C)
Track 3 (R)
Track 4 (S)
Stem A
Film 1 (L)
Film 2 (C)
Film 3 (R)
Film 4 (S)
Analogue outputs
to speakers
FLS1 (L)
FLS2 (C)
FLS3 (R)
FLS4 (S)
AFL Solo picks
off the panned
Channel output
Stem to Film
routing is cut
Film Listens
routed to
Films in place
of Stems
Channel to Stem
routing is not