A target drive must always be selected.
Click the drop down arrow next to the Select a drive box and a list of available drives will be displayed, click on
the required drive letter. The available free space will be displayed.
The Studio Configuration only uses a few kilobytes of storage space (typically less than 10kb) so it will fit on any
floppy disk that has free space.
Studio Configuration Page
This will show the current Studio Name in the Backup Configuration as box, and a list of configurations that
have already be copied to the selected drive or disk.
If required, click in the Backup Configuration as box and change the name and click the Transfer File button.
The Studio Configuration will be exported and will be added to the list.
Import a Studio Configuration to Offline Encore
When this option is selected, a two page dialogue box is displayed.
Select Drive Page
A source drive must always be selected. Click the drop down arrow next to the Select a drive box and a list of
available drives will be displayed. Click on the required drive letter and the available free space will be
Tools Menu
Issue 4
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