Appendix C: Grouped Ports
Grouping ports is a one-off setup operation, usually performed when commissioning the console.
It allows outputs from the desk to be 'mirrored' to other ports, and is achieved by simply copying the timeslots
from the 'master' to its 'slaves'. This is useful for example, where a Main Output is always required to be fed to a
number of external sources at the same time, such as CDR, dat, cassette or other tape machines.
When this has been set up, the ports acting as 'slave' outputs will not appear in any of the Encore pages where a
list of available system ports is shown. (This differs from the convention of 'port-in-use' where a port that is
assigned to a path is greyed out on screen).
Because of the nature of grouping ports, these settings will apply to all desk setups regardless of which
particular setup loaded on the console. It is a console wide function and is not dependent on who the logged-in
operator is.
There is no limit to the number of groups you can set.
To set up port grouping, go to Start/Programs/AMS Neve/System/IO Designer. Type in the password, and click
on the tab for Grouped Ports. This will show a list of all the valid ports in the system. In the left hand screen, select
the ports to be grouped by either:
Clicking a port, holding shift and clicking another port to select all ports inbetween.
Holding Alt and clicking ports for a non-sequential selection.
Once you have made the selection, click the >> button to add this into the system. The selection will appear in
the right hand window. A master can have up to 5 slave ports.
The top most port on any selection of grouped ports will appear on the porting logicators. It will not be possible
to dial up any of the slave ports.
To remove a selection from the system, select the port (or ports) to be removed, and click the << button.
Selecting a slave port to be removed will remove just that port from that group.
Selecting a master will delete that and all it's associated slaves.
In both of these cases, the changes will not be applied to the system until after you click on Save and reboot the
console (a dialogue box will prompt you of this).
The example above shows a setup for outputs 3 MAD ½ which have been copied to 3 MAD 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10
& 11/12.
In the case of stereo paths, two operations need to be performed, one each for the left and right legs.
Appendix C: Grouped Ports
Issue 4
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