To set SRC State double click in the State column for the required AES port which has been enabled.
A drop down list will appear with an X next to it with options according to the card and port type.
Double click on the required State.
The new State will be displayed in the column.
To check SRC Resources click on the SRC Resources button.
The SRC Resources dialogue box will be displayed.
GPI (General Purpose Interface)
The GPI page is used to associate relays and opto-isolated inputs (optos) with a wide range of events. This is in
addition to the standard relay setup (associating relays with ports) in the I/O Configuration page.
The method of identifying relays and opto-isolators depends on the hardware available. If a status panel is
installed then the relays and opto-isolators it uses are identified by the letters A to H. If a Relay Control Unit is
installed then there are 64 relays and 16 opto-isolated inputs available, and they are identified numerically.
There are two sets of radio buttons on the right hand side. The first set is used to select Relays or Opto-Isolators.
The second set is used to select Input Paths, Output Paths or Console Status. The combination of radio buttons
determines what is displayed in the list.
Paths and Relays
Click the Relays radio button and either the Input Paths or Output Paths radio button.
Tools Menu
I/O Config
Issue 4
Page 24:21