Desk Setups can be converted from Version 2 to Version 2.5 'on the fly' when loading a Desk Setup. However,
the old Desk Setup is automatically over-written with the converted version. Automation should be used if the
Desk Setup is to be saved with a new name.
Transferring Studio Configurations
Encore can be used offline on a computer that is not attached to a console. In order for Encore to correctly
manipulate Desk Setups, a configuration file must be loaded that holds information about the hardware
available on the target console. This configuration file is called a Studio Configuration.
The Studio Configuration is exported from Encore and then imported to offline Encore on the separate
computer. Note that a Studio Configuration is fixed by the hardware for a particular console - it is not necessary
to restore the Studio Configuration to the console.
When a Studio Configuration has been imported by offline Encore, then Desk Edit and I/O Patching can modify
and create Desk Setups which can be transferred back to the console.
The Studio Configuration page of Automation has two options:
Export a Studio Configuration
Import a Studio Configuration to Offline Encore
Only one of these options will be available, according to whether Encore is operating online or offline.
Export a Studio Configuration
When this option is selected, a two page dialogue box is displayed.
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Issue 4
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