![Agilent Technologies L4532A Series Service Manual Download Page 37](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/agilent-technologies/l4532a-series/l4532a-series_service-manual_2868152037.webp)
Agilent L4532A/ 34A Service Guide
Getting Started
Input Connections
The L4532A has two inp u t- chan n el t er min als; t he L4534A has fou r (t hey
ar e shown in Chan n el Con n ection s on
p age 19
Input Characteristics and Protection limits
Each inp u t- chan n el BNC con n ector has th e followin g char act er istics:
The inp ut r esist an ce is 1 M
The inp ut cap acit an ce is 40 pF.
The allowable inpu t sign al is 250 Vpk (from shield t o cen t er p in on
t he BNC con n ect or ).
The Tr an sien t over volt age limit is 400 Vp k for each inpu t chan n el.
Each chan n el may float in dep en den tly; its BNC con n ect or shield may
float 40 Vp k r elative t o ear t h groun d.
Connecting the DUT
Use st an dar d BNC cables t o con n ect you r device u n d er t est (DUT) t o th e
digitizer 's inp u t chan n els. Such cables have BNC con n ect or s at each en d,
r equ ir in g th at t he DUT h ave BNC ou tp u ts.
The Agilen t L4532A/ 34A is d esign ed for IEC Measur emen t Categor y I
(CAT I) measu r emen ts on ly. The inp u t ch an n els may be con n ect ed on ly
to cir cu itr y th at is isolat ed from AC Main s.
Wh en any DUT is con n ected, it can exp ose t he digitizer 's har dwar e t o
excessive volt ages. The ch an n el p rotection r elays p rotect t he d igitizer
fr om th ese con dition s, but on ly if t he d igitizer is On . Usin g t he
On / St an d - by switch t o p u t t he u n it in St an d- by mod e r esets all ch an n els
to t he 256 V r an ge an d discon n ects t he inp u t BNCs from the
measu r emen t har dwar e.
The shields of any two channels must be limited to a potential difference of 42
Vpk (maximum, shield-to-shield) to avoid an electric shock hazard.
When connecting the BNC input connectors to the device under test, make sure
that the BNC cables used are rated for the expected input voltages. Up to 250 Vpk
may be measured on each channel, provided the cables are rated for such voltages.
Do not connect the input channels of the L4532A/ 34A to AC line-voltage mains.
This instrument must be used in CAT I (isolated from mains) applications. Do not
use in other IEC Measurement Category (CAT II, CAT III, or CAT IV) applications.
Failure to observe these precautions may result in electric shock and serious
personal injury.
If you remove line power from the digitizer before putting the digitizer in Stand-by
mode, the input channel configuration will remain at the last set range, without
benefit of input channel overvoltage protection. Agilent recommends that you
issue the
command before removing line power.