Web Interface
© 2018 ACTIA I+ME GmbH │ Ref. IR:14938
Text Overlay
OSD allows for integrating the vehicle identification and the system time in the video
signal. The data is not only saved in the video files but it is also display in the video
Displayed information BOP ID, channel, time stamp and frame counter.
The configuration of the live stream can be nested in Column 5 [VOut#1 stream].
The stream can be displayed directly over the network.
Streaming Mode
A constant data rate is preferred for the purposes of the internal image processing
(video codec). For this purpose, the video data must be compressed rather heavily.
0 Streaming mode off
Heavy fluctuations in the short run, but a constant data rate in the long run
(optimal for data recording)
1 Streaming mode on
Constant data rate in the short run due to the high compression (optimal for