Network Functionality
© 2018 ACTIA I+ME GmbH │ Ref. IR:14938
Network Functionality
The functions described in this chapter are available over the Ethernet network. The
Ethernet interface is accessible via the integrated web server.
Ethernet Interface
has two independent Ethernet interfaces. The Ethernet interface in the front
can be used for maintenance purposes. The Ethernet in the back is designed for the
device’s permanent network connectivity, so that BOP can be connected over a
network. The exact settings in the respective network can be adjusted in the
configuration. This makes a wireless connection also possible. The
data is
accessible via the Ethernet interface. The data is password protected. The system
status can be queried and/or sent via an UDP broadcast.
Ethernet Interface - Forder Side
RJ45 – 100Mbit autocrossing
Ethernet Interface - Back
M12 D-coded, female socket 100 Mbit
Access to Video Data
For service purposes, the Web Server Menu [Maintenance] will be expanded with the
ability to play the latest recorded video. The objective is to provide functionality
control over the recording system without access rights for all recorded data.
Alarm Data Feedback
An automatic Alarm Data Feedback is performed after a configurable alarm data age.
This age is pre-set to 90 days.