Web Interface
© 2018 ACTIA I+ME GmbH │ Ref. IR:14938
Video Settings 2
Video configuration 2 shows the configuration of [video settings 1]. The settings can
only be changed in the [Video Settings 1] area.
Figure 21) Video settings 2
V Input ON/OFF
The respective camera for data recording is activated via the checkbox at the start of
each line.
You can give each video source an informative name in the entry fields V#01 to
V#16. This name is analysed and displayed in the BOP Reviewer Software. In the
upper part, you can see the saved settings for Video Output 1. Each camera can be
controlled and turned individually.
The sensitivity for detecting blind cameras and the triggering time can be determined
in minutes.
You can choose from the pre-set parameters 1-4. In the configuration, you can
determine in minutes the period in which a camera is reported as blind. A camera is
blind when it is covered or sprayed over. A brightness sensor can be connected to it
which is activated under [General settings].