Web Interface
© 2018 ACTIA I+ME GmbH │ Ref. IR:14938
The result of the data rate and the number of video channels should not
exceed 200.
The data rate has a significant effect on the total recording duration.
GOP Time
Time gap between the change of a group of images, each a full screen image, with
subsequent different images (Default value = 100).
4 = shorter time interval to the next full-screen image / fewer differing images
80 = loner time interval to the next full-screen image / more differing images
Many full-screen images
Higher data volumes and thus a shorter recording duration.
Fewer full-screen images
Lower data volumes and thus a longer recording duration
Adaptive Framerate
The adaptive framerate can reduce possible compression artefacts. Compression
artefacts can occur when a low data rate is set and there are scenes with a lot of
movement. In this case, the adaptive framerate reduces the number of images
recorded per second
0 Adaptive framerate off
Higher chance of compression artefacts thus possibly a worse-quality image
1 Adaptive framerate on
Lower chance of compression artefact but a jerkier image due to the lower number of