User's Manual | ACOM eBox | Ethernet Remote Control Device
Page 46 of 60 | S e c t i o n OPERATION
October 2021
By default,
--- do not measure ---
is being displayed. To select a parameter, click over the panel (parameter
name) and choose the desired one from the scrollable list (see
Figure 6-6 eBox with ACOM 600S, 700S, or
Figure 6-6 eBox with ACOM 600S, 700S, or 1200S - Parameter 1 selection
Figure 6-6 eBox with ACOM 600S, 700S, or 1200S - Parameter 1 selection
Parameter 2 of 2
Figure 6-5 Operating of eBox with ACOM 700S
, Pos. (g).
It is used analogously to Parameter 1.
Figure 6-5 Operating of eBox with ACOM 700S
, Pos. (h).
A set of ten buttons for direct selection of a frequency band 160 m - 10 m.
Figure 6-5 Operating of eBox with ACOM 700S
, Pos. (i).
Choose a frequency segment. Digital and graphical segment reading within the selected band. Used only
when a Remote Automatic Antenna Tuner and Switch ACOM 04AT is installed.
Drive RF
Figure 6-5 Operating of eBox with ACOM 700S
, Pos. (j).
This bargraph displays the input (driving) power.
LED indicators
Figure 6-5 Operating of eBox with ACOM 700S
, Pos. (l).
These four LED-like indicators might warn you about the following:
Overheat indicator: Amplifier is overheated and is disabled until it cools down;
CAT indicator: There is an active CAT interface;
TX Disable indicator: Transmission is disabled due to critical fault;
Transmit indicator: Ongoing transmission (ON AIR); The indicator illuminates whenever
KEY-IN amplifier input is keyed, i.e., the transceiver goes into transmit mode. Flashing
indicates that the transmission request cannot be executed for some technical reason.
Figure 6-5 Operating of eBox with ACOM 700S
, Pos. (l).
Amplifier mode of operation, selection buttons: