User's Manual | ACOM eBox | Ethernet Remote Control Device
Page 30 of 60 | S e c t i o n DEVICE AND AMPLIFIER SETTINGS
October 2021
Panel functional buttons:
When it is pressed all the changes in the panel will go back to the last saved values;
When it is pressed all the changes in the panel are saved.
Panel functional fields:
Admin Session
This control is used to set a time period after which the administrator will be automatically
logged out in case of no activity. Maximum time period is 3 minutes;
User Session
This control is used to set a time period after which the user will be automatically logged out
in case of no activity. The field is in seconds and the maximum allowed interval is 600
seconds. It is possible to set no time limit for the session with value set to "0" (zero);
The HTTP port used to establish connection with the eBox web-interface. Default port
number is 80.
HTTP Data Flow
, Pos. (g)) contains the setting that controls how often
the web-interface receives data regarding the state of the connected ACOM amplifier.
The panel is visible for both
authentication levels.
Panel functional buttons:
When it is pressed the change in the panel will go back to the last saved value;
When it is pressed the change in a panel is saved.
Panel functional field:
Refresh Rate
This control is used to set a time period (in milliseconds) between the data packets receiving
from the amplifier. These data packets contain an information for current status of the
amplifier. Higher value (longer time period) means more lag in displaying changes of the
amplifier status, but might be beneficial for slower IT networks.
Firmware Update
, Pos. (h)) allows firmware updates of ACOM eBox. For
The panel is visible for
authentication level only.