User's Manual | ACOM eBox | Ethernet Remote Control Device
October 2021
S e c t i o n DEVICE AND AMPLIFIER SETTINGS | Page 31 of 60
Average & Peak Adjustments
, Pos. (i)) contains settings for the bargraph visual
elements and their behavior.
The panel is visible for both
authentication levels.
Panel functional buttons:
When it is pressed the change in the panel will go back to the last saved value;
When it is pressed the change in a panel is saved.
Panel functional fields:
Attack Time
This control is a setting for the
Forward Power
bargraph that sets the time between the
actual moment of power going up and the reaction of the bargraph;
Peak Hold Time
This control is used to set how long the segment of the bargraph element that corresponds to
the highest achieved value will remain lit after the actual value has dropped. Possible values
are between 5 ms and 2000 ms;
Release Time
This control sets the time between the actual moment forward power starts going down and
the reaction of the bargraph element;
Peak Rel Time
This control sets the time between the actual moment a power peak is detected and the peak
point is released.