User's Manual | ACOM eBox | Ethernet Remote Control Device
Page 44 of 60 | S e c t i o n OPERATION
October 2021
Operating with ACOM 600S, 700S, or 1200S amplifier
After successful log-in (as User, see Section
), the first step is to turn on the
power supply of the amplifier using Power ON button (see
Figure 6-4 Power On of the ACOM 700S
, Pos. (1)).
Figure 6-4 Power On of the ACOM 700S
Figure 6-4 Power On of the ACOM 700S
The amplifier initialization and starting procedures are executed. The initialization and starting lasts a few
seconds and after that a main screen will appear (see
Figure 6-5 Operating of eBox with ACOM 700S
Figure 6-5 Operating of eBox with ACOM 700S
Figure 6-5 Operating of eBox with ACOM 700S