The 16 Velocities layout is similar to the Loop Selector layout in that you
can sequence steps using the Drum Rack pads and sequencer,
however the loop length controls at the bottom right of the pad grid are
replaced with velocity pads.
Press the Layout button to switch to the 16 Velocities layout. In this
mode, the bottom right 16 pads represent 16 different velocities for the
selected Drum Rack pad.
You can play the different velocity pads in real-time. You can also play
them when using the Repeat button to add repeated notes at varying
velocities. Velocity pads can be added to the step sequencer, which will
add notes at the selected velocity to the sequence. You can change the
velocity of steps by holding the corresponding pads in the sequencer
and then choosing one of the velocity pads.
The 16 Velocities Layout.
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