The Available Packs page shows you all Packs that are included as part
of your authorized Live license.
The Available Packs Page.
To download a Pack, select it with the jog wheel or Session D-pad.
While it’s downloading, you can press the jog wheel or Session D-pad
again to pause the download if needed.
Once a Pack has been downloaded, you can install it by pressing the
jog wheel or the center button of the Session D-pad again. You can
cancel the installation by pressing the display button below the Cancel
option shown in the lower right corner of the display.
5.4.2 Managing Packs
To delete an uninstalled or paused Pack download, highlight it with the
jog wheel, then nudge the jog wheel to the right. The Delete Download
option will appear, and you can press the jog wheel to remove the
download, or cancel the process by pressing the display button above
the X shown in the upper left corner of the display.
Remove a Pack Download.
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