and lower display buttons to delete the device or track. Hold Delete and
touch an encoder to delete automation controlled by that encoder. If
automation has not been recorded for a particular parameter, holding
Delete and touching the corresponding encoder will reset that
parameter to its default value. In Simpler’s Slicing Mode, hold Delete
and tap a pad to delete that slice. In Control Mode, if the Arrangement
View is in focus in Live, pressing Delete will delete the currently
selected clip in the Arrangement.
Octave Up / Down – If an instrument track is selected, these buttons
shift the pads up or down by an octave. If a Drum Rack is selected,
these buttons shift the Drum Rack’s pad overview up or down by 16
pads. In Session Mode, these buttons shift control of the Session View
up or down by eight scenes. These buttons will be unlit if no additional
octaves are available.
Page Left / Right – When working with the Drum or Melodic step
sequencers, these buttons navigate to the previous or next page of
steps. In Session Mode, these buttons shift control of the Session View
left or right by eight tracks.
Shift – Press and hold Shift while pressing other buttons to access
additional functionality. Hold Shift while turning encoders for finer
Select – In Session Pad Mode, hold Select and press a clip to select the
clip without launching it. This will also display the clip name in the
display. In Note Mode, hold Select and press a Drum Rack pad to select
it without triggering the pad.
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