encoder to shift the tempo in increments of .1 BPM. When set to Swing,
turning the encoder adjusts the swing amount in 1% increments
anywhere between 0% - 100%.
Tap Tempo – Press this button repeatedly to set your desired tempo. If
you are working in a 4
4 signature, it takes four taps to start song
playback at the tapped tempo.
Metronome – Press to toggle the metronome on or off. Hold this button
to access additional metronome options.
Quantize – Press to quantize selected notes (or all notes in the clip if
there is no selection). Hold Quantize and press a drum pad to quantize
that pad’s notes. For audio clips, Quantize will affect transients. Press
and hold Quantize to access the quantization settings.
Fixed Length – Toggle to switch Fixed Length on or off. When on, all
newly created clips will be a fixed number of bars. When off, new clips
will continuously be recorded until you press the New, Record, or Play
button. Press and hold Fixed Length to set the recording length for
clips or enable Phrase Sync.
Automate – Toggle to turn automation recording on or off. The
Automate button will appear in red when on and white when off. When
on, any parameter changes you make using the encoders will be
recorded into the clip. Automated parameters will have a white dot next
to the parameter name in Device View, while parameters that have
overridden automation will have a gray dot next to the parameter name.
Hold Shift and press Automate to re-enable any automation that you
have overridden. Hold Delete and press the Automation button to
delete all automation in a clip.
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