Numbering plan
System functions and features as of R3.0
syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.2013
3. 2. 9
PISN with different Regions
A PISN can be divided into several regions. Each region is identified by its regional
Users who call a user in a different region first dial the prefix of the destination re-
gion, then the internal number of the user they want.
Their specific regional prefix is specified in the internal numbering plan of each
The organization of the numbering plans does not depend on the PISN topology.
Fig. 22
PISN with two regions and shared numbering plan for Region 50
Entering a Regional Prefix
In the example above the PISN users of a different region are entered with the re-
gional prefix (for example 60200 to 60299).
Another possibility is to define a route with call number 60 and to enter the PISN
users without regional prefix (route method).
The user dials exactly the same number, for example 60250, but this time the call is
routed as a route selection. It uses the route with call number 60 and not the one
allocated to the PISN user in the user configuration. (In the example above the
numbers would have to be distributed differently since number ranges cannot be
assigned twice.)