Call logging (CL)
System functions and features as of R3.0
syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.2013
8. 3. 1
General OCL settings
Activating OCL throughout the system
Allocating the required output format in the system configuration automatically
activates OCL.
Tab. 100 User-related settings
Tab. 101 Printout as of a specific charge value
The call charges are printed out only once the set values are exceeded.
The ICC, however, logs all the call charges and allocates them to the cumulative
Aastra Intelligent Net:
In an AIN the charge values as of which a printout is made can be adapted
specifically for each node using the AMS Configuration Manager. Please
note that the values throughout the AIN are indicated in the same cur-
rency, defined throughout the system (see also AIN note on
The online output can be switched on and off for each user.
Surcharge calcula-
One of four possible surcharge calculators can be allocated in each case for business and
private calls.
As of
Cost centres