System functions and features as of R3.0
syd-0367/1.3 – R3.0 – 03.2013
9. 7. 13. 1
Door bell
Depending on the system configuration, pressing the door bell triggers a call to
any internal destination B.
Detailed Description
Tab. 343 Door bell
Door bell input on an options card
• The door bell is connected directly to a control input of the options card.
• One internal user can be allocated to the door bell input for each case of the Day,
Night and Weekend positions.
• The dialled destination is dependent on the position of switch group 1 if another
switch group is not assigned to the control input of the option card.
Tab. 344 Door bell on the options card: System configuration
Door bell when the door intercom system is connected via an analogue
terminal port
• The destination is configured directly in the connected TFE.
• If the dialled destination depends on the position of a switch group, a CDE call
number must be entered in the TFE.
Function in prefix dialling
Call user: via the door bell.
Operating sequence / signalling on the ter-
• When the door bell is activated the allocated
destination will ring with a special ringing
tone. The ringing time is limited to 20 sec-
• If B is busy, he will obtain call waiting except
if he himself is already in an enquiry call.
waiting on exchange connection
against call waiting
are not taken into
Possible interfaces:
Users: internal, PISN, UG
• If user B has diverted to an external destina-
tion, the connection to the door intercom
will be switched through.
• The connection created with the door inter-
com is limited to 5 minutes (forced discon-
nect) if the call partner (PISN or external) is
connected to the public network.
Parameter value
Door intercom system
Destinations <user No.> for switch position <1,2,3>