FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
b. Surge Map Print – Prints the entire array of
stored surge points to a printer connected to
COM1 serial port.
c. Auto Map Print – Prints new surge points, as
they are established, to a printer connected to
COM1 serial port.
d. Manual Surge Point – (This key is also
available on the SURGE MAP Screen with
software version C.OPT.19.307 (and later)).
Captures the instantaneous operating condi-
tions and stores them as a surge point in the
surge map. When this key is pressed, a dialog
box appears requesting the special password.
Enter 0 3 6 8 and press the ENTER key. The
chiller must be running to enter this point. If
ACC board is present, press switch SW1 (for
at least 1 second) on the ACC board within
15 seconds of pressing this key.
e. Surge Margin Adjust – Refer to
Opti Speed
VSD Service Manual (Form 160.00-M4)
f. Surge Sensitivity – (software version
C.OPT.01.19.307 (and later); Modbus Pro-
tocol configuration only)) – Sets the sen-
sitivity of the ACC surge detection in the
microboard. Programmable over the range
of 1.5 to 2.0 (default 2.0). Smaller values in-
crease the sensitivity.
g. VSD Start Frequency (software version
C.OPT.01.21.307 (and later); Modbus Pro-
tocol configuration only)) - Sets the starting
frequency from which the ramp-up will begin.
Programmable over the following range:60Hz
units – 30Hz to 60Hz (default 45Hz), 60Hz
units with Quick Restart-30Hz to 45Hz (de-
fault 45Hz), 50Hz units – 25Hz to 50Hz (de-
fault 37.5Hz), 50Hz units with Quick Restart
– 25Hz to 37.5Hz (default 37.5Hz).
h. ACC Mapping Enable (software version
C.OPT.01.21.307 (and later); Modbus Pro-
tocol configuration only)) – Sets the Delta
T (Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature -
setpoint) needed to be met to enable surge
mapping and speed reduction initially on
startup. Programmable over the range of
0.5°F to 20.0°F (default 1.0°F), 0.5°F to
4.0°F (software version C.OPT.01.22.307
(and earlier)).
3. Select SURGE MAP Screen (software version
C.OPT.01.19.307 (and later); Modbus Protocol
configuration only)).
4. The following keys are available:
a. Manual Surge Point – see above
b. Remove Surge Point – Allows a mapped
surge point to be manually removed. Position
the green box (□) over the desired surge point
marked as X on the SURGE MAP Screen us-
ing the keypad arrow keys (▲▼◄►). Then
press the REMOVE SURGE POINT key. A
dialog box will appear requesting a special
password. Enter 0 3 6 8 and press the ENTER
key. The selected point will be removed.
Kilowatt Hours
1. At the keypad, log in at ADMIN access level.
2. Select MOTOR Screen.
3. Press KWH RESET key.
4. Use numeric keypad keys to enter desired value.
5. Press ENTER (
) key.
Frequency Control
The VSD Frequency can be manually controlled as fol-
1. Select VSD TUNING Screen from the COM-
2. On the VSD TUNING Screen, press the appropri-
ate key as follows:
a. Set – Places Frequency Control in Manual
Mode. Sets the VSD speed at a specific fre-
quency between 1.0 and 60 (50)Hz.
b. Auto – Places the VSD in automatic fre-
quency control. The frequency is determined
by the ACC Board to achieve slowest speed
possible while avoiding surge.
c. Fixed – Sets the VSD frequency at maxi-
mum: 60 (50)Hz.
d. Raise – Places Frequency Control in Manual
Mode. Increases the VSD frequency by 0.1
to 10.0Hz, as programmed with the INCR
AMT (increment amount) key.
Each press of this key increases the frequency
by the programmed Amount (0.1 to 10.0Hz).