FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
Beginning October 2008, enhanced software will be
supplied in new production YK chillers and replace-
ment Microboard kit 331-02430-601. This software is
backward compatible to all previous chillers equipped
with Microboard 031-02430-000 or 031-02430-001.
The enhancements are listed below.
The version and program card part number for NEMA
1-4 and CE chillers is C.OPT.01.19.307 (P/N 031-
With the integration of the Variable Speed Drive Adap-
tive Capacity Control (ACC) function into the mi-
croboard (in software version C.OPT.01.16.307), it is
necessary to add screens and LED indicators and addi-
tional parameters to certain screens to compensate for
the loss of ACC Board indicators.
The parameters displayed on the following screens
now vary according to the selection made for the Mo-
tor Communications Protocol setpoint on the SETUP
Screen. It is set to either YORK or Modbus, as deter-
mined by the existing hardware/interface. The correct
selection must be made in order for the microboard to
communicate with the drive, as explained below. Ser-
vice technicians should refer to this manual
to deter-
mine existing hardware/interface configuration.
In new production chillers before March 2007, the mi-
croboard communicates with the VSD Logic Board via
the ACC board using YORK protocol serial commu-
nications. In this configuration, the ACC function is
performed by the ACC Board. The Motor Communi-
cations Protocol setpoint must be set to YORK in this
configuration. This configuration is referred to below
as “YORK Protocol configuration”. After this date, the
microboard communicates directly with the VSD Logic
Board using Modbus protocol serial communications
and the ACC Board is not present. In this configuration,
the ACC function is performed by the microboard. The
Motor Communications Protocol setpoint must be set
to Modbus in this configuration. This configuration is
referred to below as “Modbus Protocol configuration”.
All MV VSD applications use Modbus protocol. Due
to service parts replacement, early production chillers
could be in the Modbus configuration.
With the integration of the ACC function into the mi-
croboard, there are now two Surge Detection features.
Although they use the same detection logic, each has
its own Sensitivity setpoint and each one performs de-
tection based on the starter type as follows:.
1. The existing Surge Protection feature detects surg-
es for Surge Avoidance and hot gas bypass and
uses the Surge Sensitivity setpoint on the SURGE
PROTECTION Screen. If equipped with a Solid
State Starter or Electromechanical Starter, this fea-
ture detects all surges. If equipped with a VSD (in
YORK or Modbus Protocol configuration) or MV
VSD, it only detects those surges that occur while
the drive is running at maximum frequency. The
surge avoidance surge count increments each time
a surge is detected by the Surge Protection feature.
2. The ACC function in the microboard (in Mod-
bus Protocol configuration) uses the Sensitivity
setpoint on the ACC DETAILS Screen and detects
only those surges that occur while the VSD or MV
VSD is running at less than maximum frequency.
When these surges are detected, the ACC Surge
Count is incremented. This surge detection is used
to determine if the VSD can reduce speed.
VSD Tuning Screen
This screen is now as shown in
OptiView Control Pan-
el – Operation (Form 160.54-O1) FIGURE 24
. The
following data boxes are added:
% Full Load Amps –
Displays the motor cur-
rent as a percentage of chiller full load amps as
calculated by the microboard from current values
returned from the drive Logic Board.
Command Frequency –
In Modbus Protocol
configuration, this is the speed command being
sent to the Drive Logic Board in either Auto or
Manual Speed Control Mode. In YORK Proto-
col configuration, it is only displayed in Manual
Speed Control Mode and it is the speed command
being sent from the microboard to the ACC Board
in Manual Speed Control Mode.