FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
The optional YORK Variable Speed Drive (refer to
able Speed Drive – Service Instructions [Form 160.00-
, uses an Adaptive Capacity Control (ACC) func-
tion to control the speed of the compressor motor. In
new production chillers shipped before March 2007,
this function is performed by the Adaptive Capacity
Control Board (031-01782-xxx), which resides inside
the OptiView Control Center. See
. Prior to June 2006, the COM5 (J15) serial port
of Microboard 031-01730-000 (early vintage) or 031-
02430-000 and 031-03630-001 (later vintage) com-
municates with this ACC Board using YORK protocol.
. Between June 2006 and
March 2007, the ACC board in new production chillers
communicates with Microboard 031-02430-001 using
the same interface/protocol.
On new production chillers after March 2007, the
031-02430-001 or 031-03630-001 Microboard COM2
(J13) serial port communicates with the VSD Logic
Board 031-02506-xxx using RS-485 Modbus proto-
. Software version
C.OPT.01.16. xxx (or later) is required for COM2
Modbus operation. COM2 serial port is selectable be-
tween RS-232 and RS-485 operation with program
Jumper JP17 on the 02430. It must be positioned on
pins 1 and 2 to select RS-485 serial port operation.
COM 2 is fixed at RS-485 on the 03630 and requires
no jumper settings. When using Modbus protocol, the
ACC functionality is contained in the 031-02430-001
Microboard and the ACC Board is not used.
To allow Microboard 031-03630-001 to be used as
the service replacement for 031-01730-000 or 031-
02430-000 board's non-Modbus applications already
in the field, the COM5 serial port is retained on the
031-03630-001 board. See
With Microboard 031-02430-001 or 031-03630-001
and software version C.OPT.01.16.xxx (or later), when
“VSD-60Hz” or “VSD-50Hz” is selected on the SET-
UP Screen, additional setpoints must be entered on this
Screen. The appropriate serial port (COM2-Modbus
or COM5-YORK) must be enabled using the Motor
Communications Protocol setpoint. The selections are
“Modbus or “York”. Microboard 031-02430-001 must
be equipped with 128KB BRAM (031-02565-000) to
select Modbus. If Modbus is selected, the Motor Node
ID setpoint must be set to match the setting of the VSD
Logic Board Modbus Address Switch SW3. They must
be both set to “1”.
The 031-002506 VSD Logic Board contains both the
Optocoupled YORK protocol serial Port (J11) and an
RS-485 Modbus serial port (J16) to allow it to be used
as a service replacement part for VSD Logic Board
031-01433-xxx and 031-02077-xxx. See
page 152 and Figure 63 on page 153
With the Medium Voltage VSD (MV VSD), the ACC
functionality resides in the 031-02430-001 or 031-
03630-001 Microboard. The COM2 serial port of this
board communicates with the MV VSD using Mod-
bus protocol. Refer to
Medium Voltage Variable Speed
Drive – Service (Form 160.00-M6)
for details of the
When the ACC Board is present, this is referred to as
the YORK Protocol Configuration. See
page 152 and Figure 63 on page 153
. When the mi-
croboard communicates directly with the VSD logic
Board (ACC Board not present), this is the “Modbus
Protocol configuration” (See
Software version C.OPT.01.15.307 (and earlier) can
only operate in the YORK Protocol configuration.
Software version C.OPT.01.16.307 (and later) can be
used with either configuration.
The ACC DETAILS Screen displays the pertinent ACC
parameters as shown in
OptiView Control Panel – Op-
eration (Form 160.54-O1)
Figure 35.
The ACC Board performs the following functions:
• Acts as a bidirectional serial communications gate-
way between the microboard and the VSD Logic
Board and VSD Harmonic Filter Logic Board.
• Tells the VSD Logic Board at what speed (frequen-
cy) to operate the compressor motor. The speed
will be the lowest speed between 30 to 60 (50)Hz it
can operate without compressor surging.
• Detects compressor surge conditions.
• Creates a
Surge Map
in battery backed memory
by storing the Pre-rotation Vanes (PRV) posi-
tion, motor speed (frequency) and Evaporator/
Condenser Pressure Differential (head) that exists
when each surge occurs.