FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
SECTION 5 - MICROBOARD 031-03630-001
Style B Solid State Starter Interface
Style B Solid State Starters produced before June 2008
can communicate with the 031-03630-001 Microboard
via the Opto-coupled COM5 serial data port (J15) us-
ing YORK proprietary protocol. The serial data is rep-
resented by +5 VDC and 0 VDC logic levels. TX data
to the starter is at J15-1. RX data from the starter is at
Style B Solid State Starters produced after mid 2008,
communicate with the 031-03630-001 Microboard
via the COM 2 serial port (J13) using RS-485 Mod-
bus protocol. To allow Microboard 031-03630-001 to
be used as a service replacement for 031-01730-000 or
031-02430-000 boards non-modbus applications in the
field, the COM 5 serial port (J15) is retained on the
031-03630-001 board.
When SSS-Mod B is selected as the motor drive type
on the SETUP Screen, additional setpoints must be en-
tered on the screen. The appropriate serial port (COM
2-Modbus or COM 5 YORK) must be enabled using
the Motor Communications Protocol setpoint. The se-
lections are Modbus or “YORK”. When Modbus is se-
lected, the Motor Node ID setpoint must be set to match
the setting of the Starter Logic/Trigger Board Modbus
Address Switch SW1. They must be both be set to “1”.
for details of the solid state starter
Variable Speed Drive Interface
Variable Speed Drives produced before March 2007
communicate with Microboard 031-03630-001 via the
Opto-coupled COM5 serial data port (J15) using the
YORK proprietary protocol. The serial data is repre-
sented by +5 VDC and 0 VDC logic levels. TX data
to the starter is at J15-1. RX data from the starter is at
To allow Microboard 031-03630-001 to be used as the
service replacement for 031-01730-000 or 031-02430-
000 and 031-02430-001 boards non-Modbus applica-
tions already in the field, the COM5 serial port is re-
tained on the 031-03630-001 board.
Variable Speed Drives built after March 2007 commu-
nicate with Microboard 031-03630-001 via the COM2
serial data port (J13) using RS-485 Modbus protocol.
With Microboard 031-03630-001 when “VSD-60Hz”
or “VSD-50Hz” is selected on the SETUP Screen as the
Motor Drive Type, additional setpoints must be entered
on this Screen. The appropriate serial port (COM2-
Modbus or COM5-YORK) must be enabled using the
Motor Communications Protocol setpoint. The selec-
tions are Modbus or “York”. When Modbus is select-
ed, the Motor Node ID setpoint must be set to match
the setting of the VSD Logic Board Modbus Address
Switch SW3. They must be both set to “1”.
There are two different types of Modbus protocol used.
Modbus ASCII for Mod D/Vyper and Modbus RTU for
Raptyr. When VSD – 60Hz or 50Hz is selected for the
Motor Drive Type setpoint on the SETPOINTS Screen,
the microboard will poll on COM 2 alternating between
the two protocols until one of them responds or until
an initialization fault occurs. Once a valid response is
received from either VSD type, the microboard will
“remember” this, even after a power failure. This al-
lows the correct screens to be displayed after a power
failure, without repeating the poll interrogation as long
as the Motor Drive Type is not changed. Once the mi-
croboard determines which VSD type is connected, it
will not poll for the other.
Board for details
of the variable speed drive interface.
Medium Voltage Solid State Starter (MV SSS)
and Medium Voltage Variable Speed Drive
Interface (MV VSD)
These drives communicate with the microboard via the
COM2 RS-485 Modbus serial port (J13). See
and Medium Voltage Solid State Start-
er – Service (Form 160.00-M5) and Medium Voltage
Variable Speed Drive – Service (Form 160.00-M6) for
details of this interface. When the MV SSS or MV VSD
is selected on the SETUP Screen, the COM2 serial port
with Modbus protocol is automatically enabled. With
the MV VSD, the Adaptive capacity Control function-
ality is contained on the microboard.
Printer Interface
An optional printer can be connected to COM1 RS-232
serial data port (J2). TX data to the printer is at J2-4.
The DSR (Data Set Ready or busy) signal from the
printer is at J2-2. Signal levels are standard RS-232.
The microboard sends data to the printer at the selected
baud rate until the printer buffer becomes full, where-
upon the printer asserts its Busy signal. The microboard
suspends data transmission until the printer can accept
more data. Each printer must be setup/configured to
operate properly with the microboard. The Baud, Data