SECTION 4 - MICROBOARD 031-02430-000 AND 031-02430-001
FORM 160.54-M1
ISSUE DATE: 10/25/2019
The Program card Write Protect Switch
must be in the “Write Protect” position!
There are 3 steps to the re-programming
process: Erase, Program and Verification.
Once the re-programming process is initi-
ated, it automatically proceeds through
these steps to completion. It cannot be
manually terminated before completion.
Therefore, once the process is initiated,
the existing on-board program will be
erased and replaced by the program in
the Program card. Before proceeding,
be absolutely certain the Program card
is applicable to your chiller model. For
example, if your chiller is a YK chiller,
the Program card used MUST be for a YK
chiller. If a YS chiller program is down-
loaded into a YK chiller, for example, the
chiller will be rendered inoperable until
this procedure is repeated using the cor-
rect Program card!
A label affixed to the Program card contains the card
version. The version is an alpha-numeric code that
identifies the chiller model applicability, language
package and program revision level. The version is as
Language Package revision level
Language Package (0=English
Controls Revision Level (00, 01,
02, etc)
Chiller Model (01=YK, 02=YT,
03=YS, 05=YR, 11=YD)
OptiView Control Center
Commercial Chiller
Download the program as follows:
1. Remove power to OptiView Control Center.
2. Remove protective cover from Microboard con-
nector U33.
3. Reposition Microboard Program Jumper JP6 to
pins 2 and 3 (left-hand pins).
4. Insert Program card into Microboard connector U33.
5. Restore power to OptiView Control Center. A
white screen appears displaying “Flash Check-
sum Test” and the microboard 7-segment LED
(U22) displays “Ch”. While this is displayed, the
microboard is performing a checksum test on the
Program card. This ensures the integrity of the
card before the download procedure can begin. If
the checksum test fails, the card is defective or
corrupted and the download procedure cannot be
performed. If the checksum test passes, the OptiV-
iew Flash PROGRAMMER Screen is displayed.
6. Press START key to start the downloading pro-
cess. A dialog box appears asking if you want to
“Erase Onboard Flash and Re-Program from Pc
Do not proceed until you understand
the above caution!
Use the ► key to scroll to YES.
8. Press
key. The following steps will be per-
a. Erasing - During this procedure, the program
in the microboard Flash Memory will be
erased. A green bar reflects the progress of this
procedure. The red LED next to this bar illu-
minates while this procedure is in progress.
b. Programming - During this procedure, the
program in the Program card is downloaded
into the microboard Flash memory. A green
bar reflects the progress of this procedure.
The red LED next to this bar illuminates
while this procedure is in progress.
c. Verifying - During this procedure, a check-
sum test is performed on the new program in
the microboard Flash Memory. A green bar
reflects the progress of this procedure. The
red LED next to this bar illuminates while
this procedure is in progress.
The microboard 7-segment LED Display (U22)
displays the steps of the programming process
while they are in effect. During the Erasing pro-
cedure, “Er” displayed. During the Programming
procedure, “Pr” is displayed. During the Verifying
procedure, “Ch” is displayed.