2. If the wiring distance is long, reduce the Inverter carrier
frequency as described below.
3. Set the Carrier Frequency Selection (n080) to 1, 2, 3, or 4
when using vector control mode. Do not set it to 7, 8, or 9.
4. If the Inverter repeats stops and starts with a load exceed-
ing 120% of the Inverter rated current within a cycle time
of 10 minutes or less, reduce carrier frequency at a low
speed. (Set constant n175 to 1.)
5. The carrier frequency is automatically reduced to 2.5 kHz
when the Reducing Carrier Frequency Selection at Low
Speed (n175) is set to 1 and the following conditions are
Output frequency
5 Hz
Output current
Factory setting: 0 (Disabled)
Operator Stop Key Selection (n007)
The Digital Operator stop button can be disabled by a
setting in the Inverter. Install a separate emergency
stop switch.
Failure to observe this warning may result in injury.
Wiring Distance
between Inverter
and Motor
Up to 50 m
Up to 100 m
More than 100 m
Carrier Fre-
quency (n080
10 kHz or less
(n080=1, 2, 3, 4,
7, 8, 9)
5 kHz or less
(n080=1, 2, 7, 8, 9)
2.5 kHz or less
(n080=1, 7, 8, 9)