Set n106 (Motor Rated Slip), n036 (Motor Rated Current), n107 (Motor
Line-to-neutral Resistance), and n110 (Motor No-load Current) accord-
ing to the motor test report.
To connect a reactor between the Inverter and the motor, set n108 to the
sum of the initial value of n108 (Motor Leakage Inductance) and the
externally mounted reactor inductance. Unless a reactor is connected,
n108 (Motor Leakage Inductance) does not have to be set according to
the motor.
V/f Pattern during Vector Control
Set the V/f pattern as follows during vector control:
The following examples are for 200 V Class motors. When using 400 V
Class motors, double the voltage settings (n012, n015, and n017).
Standard V/f
[Motor Specification: 60 Hz]
[Motor Specification: 50 Hz]
[Motor Specification: 50 Hz]
High Starting Torque V/f
[Motor Specification: 60 Hz]