4.4 MP2000 Series Machine Controller Parameter Details
4.4.3 Motion Monitoring Parameter Details
( 3 ) Warning
* The bits for the positive/negative direction overtravel warnings will be turned ON in the following conditions on the
next page.
Bit 0
Excessive Deviation
0: In normal deviation range
1: Abnormal deviation detected
This bit turns ON if the following error exceeds the value set for the Error Count Alarm Detection (setting
parameter OL
22) when Excessive Deviation is set to be treated as an warning by setting the Excessive
Deviation Error Level Setting Error Level Setting to 0 in Mode Setting 1 (setting parameter OW
01, bit 0).
Bit 1
Set Parameter Error
0: In setting range
1: Outside setting range
This bit turns ON when one or more motion setting parameters is set outside the setting range. The number of
the parameter for which the value is out of range is stored as the Parameter Number When Range Over is Gen-
erated (monitoring parameter IW
Bit 2
Fixed Parameter Error
0: In setting range
1: Outside setting range
This bit turns ON when one or more motion setting parameters is set outside the motion fixed parameter setting
range. The number of the most recent out-of-range parameter is stored as the Parameter Number When Range
Over is Generated (monitoring parameter IW
Bit 3
Servo Driver Error
0: No warning
1: Warning
This bit turns ON when there is a warning in the SERVOPACK for MECHATROLINK communication. The
content of the warning can be confirmed using the Servo Driver Alarm Code (monitoring parameter
Bit 4
Motion Command Set Error
0: Command setting normal
1: Command setting error
This bit turns ON when a motion command that cannot be used is set.
Bit 6
Positive Direction Overtravel
0: No positive overtravel
1: Positive overtravel
This bit turns ON when positive overtravel is disabled in the fixed parameter settings and the positive overtravel
signal is input.
Bit 7
Negative Direction Overtravel
0: No negative overtravel
1: Negative overtravel
This bit turns ON when negative overtravel is disabled in the fixed parameter settings and the negative over-
travel signal is input.
Bit 8
Servo ON Incomplete
0: Servo ON
1: Servo not ON
This bit turns ON when the Servo ON bit in the RUN Command Setting (setting parameter OW
00, bit 0)
set to 1 but the SERVOPACK is not in the Servo ON condition.
Bit 9
Servo Driver Communication Warning
0: Communication normal
1: Communication error detected
This bit turns ON if a communication error is detected in communication with the SERVOPACK for MECHA-
TROLINK communication. This bit is cleared automatically when communication is performed normally.
Bit A
Servo Driver Stop Signal Input
Available only for SGDV, SGD7S, and SJDE SERVOPACKs except for the SGDV-
when using a