X - R i t e e X a c t ™ I n s t r u m e n t
Averaging Measurement
The instrument can calculate the average of measurements for non-homogeneous samples.
Averaging can be set to “Off” or up to “5” measurements.
Averaging must be set before measuring. Refer to Settings in the Measurement Tool
Setup section earlier in this manual for procedure.
The following example has an average setting of
Select the tool and function for the averaging measurement procedure.
Measure paper if required.
Position the instrument on the first area of the sample and take a measurement. After the
measurement, the instrument displays "1 of 3" in the screen, indicating two more
measurement are required for results.
: You can exit averaging sequence at anytime if you want by tapping the Done button that
appears in the Averaging popup screen. This causes the instrument to only average the
measurements taken up to the point the button was tapped.
Position the instrument on the second area of the sample and take a measurement. After the
measurement, the instrument displays "2 of 3" in the screen, indicating one more
measurement is required for results.
Position the instrument on the third area of the sample and take a measurement. After the
measurement, the instrument displays the averaged data values.
Three measurements
values averaged
Two measurement
values averaged
First measurement