X - R i t e e X a c t ™ I n s t r u m e n t
Job Tools: All readings will be tracked and remembered for each Patch, even if it’s not the current
active function on screen at the time. For example, if Density Trend is one of the active functions
for solid patches, any measurement made against a solid patch will be added to the trend graph.
Any readings not stored as a sample for the current sheet will be lost from the trend graph if the
Job tool is exited completely. (Any stored samples for the current sheet will be restored to their
respective trend graphs upon continuation of a job).
All Densities
This function displays the density values for the measured sample for all filters (Cyan, Magenta,
Yellow and Black). This function can be configured to show additionally the density value at the
wavelength of maximum density for the spectral curve.
All Densities Tool Function
Tap the All Densities button to select the displayed density values. Options are: CMYK and
CMY Balance
This function is used to compare a Gray Balance Patch to a defined standard with easy to read
graphical indication. This function requires a standard with target CMY density values plus a
tolerance function setting.
CMY Balance Function Setting
Tap the CMY Balance button and set the value for the density balance. The value can range from
0.01 to 0.99.
CMY Balance Measurement
On the left side of the results are the absolute CMY density values for the sample. If an arrow
appears next to the number, it indicates which direction to correct the density value for that ink
to match the standard’s target density values. On the right half of the results area is a bar graph
indicating the delta difference for each ink compared to the target value. The center line of the
graph indicates the target value, and the bar in either direction means the sample’s density value
was higher or lower than it. The outer lines of the graph indicate the plus and minus value of the
gray balance tolerance set in the function settings. The goal of this function is to have all three
CMY densities of the sample fit within the tolerance around the target which indicates the sample
is balanced (gray) and the right color (L value). The sample can still be considered gray if all
three values are within balance, but the overall sample might appear too dark or light compared
to the target. If the ink values are not within balance, the largest difference between any two inks
is greater than the tolerance, then the sample is out of balance, and an icon will appear above the
Density Values indicating that the sample is not considered gray enough.
Select CMY Balance function.
Measure paper if required.
Measure the gray balance standard.
Measure sample.
View data.