Rev Version 1.4.1
Rev Version 1.4.1
Figure 46 Extending Range
The WDS configuration is accessed by clicking Repeaters from the menu. Configuration for Site A is shown in
Figure 47. Site A is configured with a virtual client that will connect to the access point at Site B using the SSID
“REP1SSID” and WPA2 encryption with the key “passphrase”. Likewise, Site B also has a virtual client configured
that connects with the access point at Site C, which also has a virtual client that connects to the access point at
Site D.
In this example each virtual connection is using the same encryption method (WPA2-PSK (AES) with a key of
“passphrase”. The encryption method and key can be different for each virtual link, or even disabled (no encryption).
However, it is recommended that the encryption method be equal to or greater than the main system in order to
maintain system security. In addition, since it is a bridged network the Spanning Tree Protocol is disabled on the
Network configuration page since there is no possibility of network loops.
Figure 47 Site A Repeater Configuration
Roaming with WDS Access Points
Another common use for WDS is extending the range across a large wireless network but allowing roaming
connections between access points or permitting switching to the next access point when out of range of the
previous access point.
The diagram in Figure 48 shows a bridging network with a number of access points, all with the same SSID,
network structure (and so on) so that the roaming client/stations can freely roam between access points. Each
access point then needs a separate connection to the next access point, which is done using the WDS virtual
access points and client/stations