Rev Version 1.4.1
Rev Version 1.4.1
Modbus RTU Master
To configure a serial port as a Modbus RTU Master, click Serial on the menu and select Modbus RTU Master from
the Port Type drop-down list (see Figure 34). Configure the parameters described below.
Figure 34 Serial Configuration - Modbus RTU Master
Port Type
Select Modbus RTU Master from the drop down list.
Data Rate
Select the serial data rate that matches the data rate of the serial device that is
connected and communicating via the port. Baud rates range from 110 to 230400
Data Format
Defines the data bits, parity and start/stop bits used to communicate with the serial
Flow Control
Flow control is used by some serial devices to regulate the flow of data by turning
on or off flags that are used to tell the connected serial devices to start or stop
transmitting data. The RS-232 supports CTC/RTS hardware flow control.
Scan Rate
How frequently the slave device will be polled. Default is 100 msec.
Response Timeout
Number of milliseconds that the RTU Master/TCP client will wait for a slave to
respond to a poll.