Weidmuller Wireless Ethernet Modem and Device Server User Manual
Rev Version 1.1
Frequency Step Size The frequency step size is the spacing between frequencies that you can select
when configuring the TX and RX frequencies. The steps sizes available are 5 kHz or
6.25 kHz.
Transmit Frequency The frequency that you want to configure for the radio transmitter. Frequency selection
is automatically adjusted to the frequency step size configured in the previous
parameter. For example, 450.00500, 450.01000, 450.01500, 450.02000 (and so on) for
5 kHz frequency step size, or 450.00625, 450.01250, 450.01875, 450.02500 (and so
on) for 6.25 kHz frequency step size.
Receive Frequency The frequency that you want to configure for the radio receiver. Frequency selection
is automatically adjusted to the frequency step size configured. For example,
450.00500, 450.01000, 450.01500, 450.02000 (and so on) for 5 kHz frequency step
size, or 450.00625, 450.01250, 450.01875, 450.02500 (and so on) for 6.25 kHz
frequency step size.
Operating Mode Allows you to select the operating mode for the module:
Access Point
—Configures the module to function as an access point
—Configures the module to function as a client. This is the default setting.
System Address
A WI-MOD-xxx-E-5W wireless network is comprised of modules with the same
system address. Only modules with the same system address will communicate with
each other.
The system address is a text string from 1 to 31 characters. Select a text string that
identifies your system.
WPA Passphrase If you are using WPA2-PSK (AES) encryption, enter the encryption key passphrase
that you want to use.
If a different encryption method is required, after completing the Quick Start
configuration you can use the Security page to select the desired encryption method.
For details, see
“4.5 Security Configuration” on page 31.
IP Address Enter the IP address of the WI-MOD-xxx-E-5W module.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask of the WI-MOD-xxx-E-5W module.
Default Gateway Enter the address that the device will use to forward messages to remote hosts
that are not connected to any of the local bridged network (Ethernet or Wireless).
This is only required if the wired LAN has a gateway unit that connects to devices
beyond the LAN (such as Internet access). If there is no gateway on the LAN, set this
parameter to the
module’s IP address as configured above.
Save Changes Save changes to non-volatile memory. The module will need to be restarted before
the changes take effect.
Save Changes and
Save settings to non-volatile memory, and reboot the WI-MOD-xxx-E-5W
module. Once the module has completed the reboot sequence, all changes are
in effect.